How To Clean A Glass Coffee Carafe
Glass Coffee Pot Cleaners
- Method 1: 1 cup bleach
- Method 2: 1/2 cup salt and crushed ice to fill the pot
- Method 3: 1/4 cup vinegar and water
In method one, you put a cup of liquid bleach in the pot and swirl it around. The stains will begin to break up immediately, You can help to speed the proccess by putting on a rubber glove and scrubbing gently with a coarse dish-washing pad. Rinse the pot completely serval times when finished.
The bleach method worked very well, but you really do have to rinse the pot thoughougly to be free of the odor and residue left by the bleach.
In method two, you use 1/2 cup of salt and enough crushed ice to fill your pot about 3/4 full. You're supposed to swirl the pot and watch the stains dissapear. This method doesn't work. Forget you read about it.
In method three, or "the stinking method", you place 1/4 cup vinegar in the water resevoir of your coffee maker. Add water until the resevoir is full. Run the coffee maker. After turning off the coffee maker to let the solution cool, pour the vinegar water back into the resevoir and run the machine again.
The process is supposed to conclude with the running of plain water through the coffee maker. It really ends when you realize that the stains were only partially removed and your entire machine smells like vinegar. At which point, you have to start over with a different cleaning solution.
Comet Disinfectant Cleanser works better than any of these homespun cleaning agents.
Three homemade cleaning solutions for cleaning your glass coffee pot.
Mr Breakfast would like to thank Mr Breakfast for this recipe.
Comments About This Recipe
What do you think of Glass Coffee Pot Cleaners?
Overall Average Rating = 5 (out of 5) Based on 8 votes. I'm still looking for how to clean the OUTSIDE of a glass pot! Thought I might find it here, but no luck! Comment submitted: 4/6/2019 (#20749) From Happy Now Comment submitted: 1/23/2019 (#20711) From Stargazser So, just to be clear... You put any of those 3 methods into the coffee pot workings so it goes through the coffee machine? Including the ice and comet or ice and salt, or any of the other ingredients? None of this is for the actual glass pot the water pours into? Comment submitted: 12/30/2016 (#20159) From potscrubgber How do you take the plastic parts off of a coffee pot? I was cleaning mine and the top section lifted off and there was a gasket underneath that fits over the glass rim and it was FILTHY! Cleaning the inside and outside of the pot will never clean the edge or the gasket and I'M OCD about cleaning stuff like this but not sure how the rest comes off without breaking the pot. Comment submitted: 5/14/2015 (#19410) I grew up working in restaurants and we always used crushed ice and comet for burned on coffee in the pots. I still use it today (40+ years later). Comment submitted: 3/7/2015 (#19312) From momma starr Comment submitted: 2/26/2015 (#19292) From Shel I tried several of the methods with little luck in totally removing the stains. Then I decided to use Comet powder by placing a full pot of plain water in the reservoir, then putting some Comet, 3-4 tablespoons, in the pot and running the coffee cycle. Pot was clean! I then rinsed the pot several times and ran a reservoir-full plain water to finish cleaning and the pot sparkled. Comment submitted: 12/16/2014 (#19153) From bludoll Comment submitted: 9/25/2013 (#16641) From Emmy Comment submitted: 2/27/2013 (#15252) From granny Comment submitted: 1/8/2013 (#15065) From former waitress As any former waitress in a coffee shop knows, #2 does work, but only if the coffee pot is HOT!! ( I know, putting ice in a hot glass pot - sounds like the pot should shatter, but it doesn't - believe me, I've done this hundreds of times without any problems!!) This is especially effective for removing burned on coffee after you forgot and left the coffee maker on all day!!. Try it - you will be amazed!! You really don't even need the salt. Comment submitted: 1/25/2009 (#7452) Thanks for the tips! I will be trying some! (not #2 I guess!) Comment submitted: 4/29/2008 (#5145) From spokanewildman 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice, crushed ice - swirl. Try this one ladies. Comment submitted: 2/7/2008 (#4577) From Dick It is so nice to have a simple and readily available way to clean the oils and residue on a regular basis. Comment submitted: 12/3/2007 (#4110) From ccusis Comment submitted: 2/8/2007 (#1464) From Linda P. I read on here that you can use white vinegar and water and boil it on the stove for 10 minutes. Can you give me the amount of vinegar and water. Thank you. Comment submitted: 9/28/2006 (#404) Comment submitted: 8/24/2006 (#206) From Laurel P. The vinegar that you run thru the coffee pot cycle is not necessarily to clean the pot, but to dissolve the build up of minerals which clog the water system. If you get caked on "scale" in a tea pot, you can hear it fizzle and dissolve when you pour in vinegar. If your coffee maker is going slow and the hot water is not coming thru very well, you might get better performance if you try this method, the one you call "stinky". Comment submitted: 8/18/2006 (#154)
I used the salt and ice method and it worked beautifully. Just takes a bit. Keep swirling, then I put vinegar in and scrubbed clean as a whistle.From triumphantangel (Team Breakfast Member)
I used method one and it worked like a charm. Thanks!
I used the salt & ice trick. I also used a baby bottle brush inside. For stubborn stains. Worked great!
Hooray for salt and ice! My pot is clean as whistle. Who knew? Great tips! Thanks!
Hello. Whoever thought of the salt and ice for cleaning your glass coffee pot for lime build up on the bottom... just want to let them know that it worked for me. Thanks for the wonderful idea. I have been trying everything. The salt and ice did it. Once again. thank you. And god bless you always. - RoseFrom Nashta (Team Breakfast Member)
Haha I love you Mr. Breakfast! lol I'm trying not to laugh out in my office... My method is about 1 - 2 tbsp lemon juice with a full pot of water. I just let it run through a coupla times and then my secret stain remover... *dddddrumrollll* elbow grease! I just get after it! lol ok so it doesn't always work.
"forget you read this one"... bout fell outta my chair laughing. thanks for tips.From mrbreakfast_lvr (Team Breakfast Member)
You can also use dishwasher detergent (the powdered kind) . It works really well too!
How To Clean A Glass Coffee Carafe
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